
About Us

The early ideas of what would become “Just Jacks” began in my son Jack’s nursery. I was rocking him to sleep for his nap, just as I had every other day, but on this particular day, I distinctly remember how his fluffy baby-chick-like hair was still sticky with syrup from the pancakes we made that morning. I couldn’t help but smile and think to myself how the smell of maple syrup will always remind me of slow mornings making pancakes with my children…And the pure excitement on their faces when the answer to the recurrent question, “What are we having for breakfast Mommy?” is pancakes. So many of life’s sweetest moments get lost amidst the chaos, because in all honesty, a morning of pancakes from scratch with small helping hands can turn your kitchen into a snow storm of flour in about 10 seconds. I started thinking what if I could create a healthy pre-made mix so that these sweet, lasting memories with little sous chefs could be created without the snow storm. Including all of the wholesome and organic ingredients like your grandmother would have used but simplified into one refrigerated package for the kind of slow flapjack mornings that you will treasure with your little ones. Just a few years and a few additional children later, this rocking chair brainstorm has become a reality. “Just Jacks,” flapjacks with just what’s needed, no additives, nothing artificial. My hope is that our recipe will help you find joy in the simplicity of nourishing your family without compromising on the quality of ingredients.